Frequently Asked Questions about Oak Engineered Floors
How do I clean this floor?
To clean your oiled or lacquered floor, always follow the manufacturer's recommended cleaning procedures. Alternatively, you can use a well-wrung mop with water only. We do not recommend using a steam mop or any other cleaning solutions on our floors.
Does my floor need to acclimatise before installing?
Yes, we recommend letting your floor acclimatise for 3 to 4 days before installation. This should be done in the same room where it will be installed, and the flooring should remain in its sealed packaging to prevent warping due to temperature changes. Avoid storing the flooring outdoors, in outbuildings, or in areas with damp or condensation issues.
How much wastage do I need?
We generally recommend accounting for 10% wastage for plank floors, and 15% for herringbone. However, factors such as room shape and laying style can impact this, so always consult with your installer first.
What condition should the subfloor be in?
The subfloor beneath your oak engineered floor must be in good structural condition, free from damp rot, fungal or insect infestation, and contaminating residues. It should be flat, with uneven areas not exceeding 3mm over a 2m area. The surface should be vacuumed and completely free of debris before installation. Ensure hot pipes are well insulated to prevent localised hotspots, which can cause the wood to warp or shrink.
What is colour variation and how should I lay the planks with colour variation?
Colour variation refers to the natural differences in colour that occur in real wood. To achieve a balanced look, blend planks from several packs across the entire room.
What type of joints does this flooring have?
This flooring features Uniclic joints.
What expansion gaps are needed?
Wood naturally expands and contracts with changes in temperature and humidity. When fitting a wood floor, leave expansion gaps wherever the boards meet a wall, structural support, stairs, breakfast bar, fireplace, or central heating pipe. Gaps must also be considered at doorways to allow for differing expansion between rooms. Use spacers at regular intervals when fitting and remove them before installing skirting boards, beading, or trims. Allow a 2mm gap for every metre span of the floor, with a minimum of 10-15mm gap regardless. For areas over 5m in width, extra provisions should be made for expansion.
Can I have underfloor heating with this flooring?
Yes, this flooring is suitable for underfloor heating. Please refer to the manufacturer's installation guide for the appropriate installation method.
What does 'pack includes cut lengths' mean?
This means that at least one plank within your pack will be cut in half. This is intentional to help spread the joints out across your floor, preventing weakening. The other planks will be of the same length.
Can I use this flooring in my bathroom?
Yes! This is the only engineered wooden floor on the market that is suitable for bathroom use.